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Juliet Floyd: Scepticism, Trust and Forms of Life
Juliet Floyd "Selves & Forms of Life in the Digital Age:A Philosophical Exploration of Apparatgeist"
Juliet Floyd | Why Does The Claim of Reason Matter? A Symposium in Memory of Stanley Cavell
Juliet Floyd: Truth in Early Wittgenstein and Gödel
"Automation and Conversation: Wittgenstein and Turing" | Dr. Juliet Floyd
Apparatgeist in Katz and AAkhus: A Philosophical exploration
Trust vs Skepticism
Sarah Beckwith | Why Does The Claim of Reason Matter? A Symposium in Memory of Stanley Cavell
Nicholas Cook: Music, Ethics, Pandemic. Zoom Lecture presented on October 17, 2022
Oskari Kuusela at the conf. Wittgenstein: Naturalism and Necessity, Univ. of Bergen Nov. 2019
Panel discussion at Days of Oris Festival 2021 - Post-COVID19 Cities & Beyond
this horror game hacked my computer..